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Sunday 9 September 2007

Tay's B-Day

So our friends were kind enough to let me throw a surprise party for Taylor at their house. I am so grateful for their generosity. It was simple but fun. Taylor is not the easiest to surprise. He made it a little difficult to keep under wraps. He is usually so predictable. This day however, he changed his plans. I had to be really sneaky just to get him to the Palmers house. In the end it all went well. We swam and played a game called 'Settlers of Catan'. If you have never played it, give it a whirl. It is pretty cool. The kids just did as kids do. destroyed the house and cried a lot. Well, Taylor is one year older and as always, much wiser than myself. I love him and hope he had a great day. Thanks to the Bunkers and the Palmers for making it a good time. Being surrounded by good peeps makes all the difference.

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