We went to see the Terracotta Warriors which have been on display here for the month of July. It is truely amazing. If you ever get the chance to see it, it is considered the eighth wonder of the world, totally worth it. Our photos are outside in the courtyard of the Natural History Museum in Taipei. I have added a few extra photos of jack for your viewing pleasure. This last month was SOOO hot. The heat reminds me of Las Vegas in July. 105 degrees with 100% humidity. Not so bad except that we walk everywhere we go. It gets unbearable really fast. We are fortunate however, we do have AC in our apartment. We are doing well though and we do get out, despite the heat. I have learned a load of new bus routs so I have cut down my walking by a lot. Jack is learning to love public transit. My favorite find has been the bus to Costco. Many of you will not understand how AWESOME that is for us. Costco for me is like a little piece of home. It looks just the same as the states and the food court is almost the same. I love it!!! I did however, loose my cell phone on bus #204 on the way to Costco. If anyone finds it please let me know. That experience was not the greatest. Taylor was out of town for the weekend and I had to borrow some ladies phone at the mall to call Tay and let him know. We do not have a land line, so I was without communication until Tay got home two days later.... I know the grandmas are going to flip over this.... please no phone calls. I have a new phone now with a new #. We are well and hope you enjoy our little blog.... see ya
Tuesday, 31 July 2007
Taipei Temple
So we thought we would take some pics of our church and the temple. The church and the temple are on the same grounds. Temple on left and church on right. there is a large building in the back ground which is a university... not part of church.
Boys night out
So last weekend Taylor and a friend of ours, Colin, went on a trip to the southern part of the island. They rented scooters and cruised the coast. I thought I would make a post for him and show you his pics. They had a blast!!!! the scenery is really beautiful!!
Wednesday, 18 July 2007
I am so blessed
I am sitting here waiting for my baby to wake up. He is sleeping much later than usual (we were out late). Looking at his cute little mohawk with really no hair to support it. He is so beautiful to me. Yesterday we were learning where our belly buttons are located. I love watching him search for his. He giggles when I find it first and tickle him. I have found such a new joy in being a mother. My heart bursts wide open when I really sit and think about precious gift that my Heavenly Father has entrusted me with. I wonder who is teaching who. I have learned so much more from him than I could ever teach him. I count my blessings every day and thank God for him. He makes me laugh out loud daily. He loves to walk everywhere we go. and ride his little "Mr Peanut" scooter down the sidewalks of Taiwan. What a stud! We wont stay in Taiwan forever. We will bring him home to the rest of his family where you can enjoy him and love him as much as we do. My heart aches when I think about the fact that Tay and I are the only members of our families who get to enjoy this beautiful boy. Because we do live literally a whole world away. I just wanted to share a piece of my soul to say I am so blessed.
Tuesday, 17 July 2007
Family pics
This last week we took a trip out to one of Tay's old areas. I can't spell it so I am not going to try. He lived there for one year of his mission. We found the chapel he was assigned to and a resturaunt he used to eat at. It was fun to see. I snapped a couple of shots of the people at the park. They didn't think that was very cool of me, but I just look like a tourist so they let it go. There are a few shots of Jack's chocolate fedish (he gets that from his dad). We also went to the park for FHE. Those are the sand box photos. The other strangers in the pictures are our friends Tim and Becky who are moving back to the states this week after two years here. Our weekends are going to be very boring without them here to help us spend all our money. Thanks guys. We will miss you and your sweet ride!
Pizza anyone???

I really debated adding these photos. I just look so homely. This was for a Domino's Pizza ad I did a couple of months ago. We just got these pictures from the agency. They did my hair and make-up. They curled my bangs under... no one curls their bangs!!!! Anyways, like I said in the past, if you are white in Taiwan, you will get asked to model. Not that big of a deal. It was a fun experience though. These photos will be in the Domino's restaurants in Beijing. I will be in black and white and the pizza will be in color.
Monday, 16 July 2007
Jack's First Haircut
So we decided that Jack's hair was starting to look a bit long. Taylor has been wanting to buzz his head into a Mohawk (I have never had to spell that before, forgive me if it is wrong). I finally consented late Friday night. So Jack's first haircut is a Mohawk. For those of you who know us well, this will come as no surprise. If we weren't enough of a spectacle before, this really did the trick. most people think its cool... but there are those who think he must be sick or have a disease to have his hair grow that way...... things that make you go hmmmmmmmmm. Jack thinks his fuzzy little head feels cool. It is just too bad that his hair is so blond that if you blink, you miss it.
Sunday, 1 July 2007
Fulung Beach
This beach was really nice. Beautiful beach sand for sand castles, and the water was the perfect temp. We couldn't have asked for a better day. It was the best. We took a train out to Fulung. We have not done the train thing yet so that was different and fun. The scenery was beautiful. Winding through the hills and along the river. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Beautiful. Sorry no pics of that... Next time. There were people out wind surfing, skimboarding and sailing. We want to do that next time. Don't worry Grandparents, Jack was covered in sunscreen. He loved the waves (they were small). He also loved playing with the sand. He couldn't figure out how to shut his eyes when the waves splashed him though. He learned that salt water stings, but tastes good!!!! Go figure. Bean learned that however good she thinks she looks in a bikini... she should not wear one. Tay is just a hottie, what can I say.
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